Scholarships information

Exclusive Scholarships
Universities and schools will be making students to know the possibilities of getting international scholarships that are available to apply for, and those who make an impression can also expect on the spot offers. So please bring your supporting documents!
if you want to get more specific scholarships please contact us, And please see below scholarships information

Mongolian Government Scholarships:

Postgraduate degree scholarships information please click in here:

Undegraduate degree scholarships please click in here:

Also you can find more scholarships information below links :

United States of America :

United Kingdom :





  • This exhibition has changed my life. It gave me an opportunity to get the best student experience and art education in the UK. While studying in Cambridge I used to volunteer as a student representative and work as a product designer at the local design company. It has helped me to open my own interior design company called Eden Design.

    Kind regards
    Miss World 2017 Top 15, People's Choice winner, Multimedia winner, Head to head challenge winner
    Miss World Mongolia 2017 National Winner, Beauty with a purpose winner

    Jan 2016 – Dec 2016      MA Industrial Design            Florence Design Academy, (high distinction)

    Sep 2012 – May 2015     BA (Hons) Interior Design             Cambridge School of Art, (first class honours) 


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